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"Beating The Odds"-Mind of An Athlete: Myles Squirewell

For this weeks episode of “Mind of an Athlete” I was able to get in touch and interview Myles Squirewell (left). We discussed his inspirations for playing, his focus going into this season, and more as we dive into his world to learn more about him and his experience of being a student athlete.

Firstly we went back in time to learn his inspirations for playing basketball. He spoke about always loving to playing basketball in the pool, and that transitioning into him setting foot on the court and falling in love with playing. He mentioned as a kid he was always being taller than others and the joy of making easy buckets and scoring brought him early on. He described how his habit of watching the NBA players and taking their moves to use for himself and that those experiences “Made me who I am”. Since committing to the path basketball takes a lot of commitment and dedication I questioned him about the thing or moment that made him decide this is the path for him. He told me that at as young as 3rd grade he knew this was what he wanted to do; as from a young age, standing out being taller than everyone; all the aau teams in the area wanted him on their team. He went further to discuss that around this time he began training and taking it more seriously while giving props to his early training group with Marseilles. Now that basketball season is approaching, I wanted to know his focus and goals going into the season. He put an emphasis on team building; being he’s knew to the basketball program at Lakewood High, he described how he and his teammates plan to learn from each other as they grow and get better while mentioning his plans to keep his grades up, but not too worried for his individual accolades saying “Accolades will come if I stay true to the game.” We then talked about his experience so far as a student athlete so u asked the best and worst part about being a student athlete. The best part to him was the respect that comes with it but also the high standard that has to be upheld, while being a inspiration to others around him. Subsequently the worst part about it being the pressure of upholding that status and standard of excellence and noting his mother keeping him on point. Since life happens to us all, I asked what was the biggest setback he’s faced so far. He dove into the experience of breaking his hand and having surgery on it. While just a month into his recovery, the pin in his hand shifted forcing him to go back for a second surgery which added an extra 2 months of needed recovery time. He mentioned that the experience made him appreciate the game of basketball more, by showing him how quickly it can be taken from him and to not ever take it for granted. I ended it off with asking about his motivations for continuing to push forward through it all to advance further in his career. He mentioned how the hard working spirit of his late father fuels and motivates him to get in the gym and get better everyday. He noted his new phrase is “Beat the Odds” and ended off with saying “What ever I gotta do to make; that’s what I’m gonna do.”

My thoughts: Analyzing this interview I can tell Myles always had a knack for playing basketball whether it be his natural ability for the game with his height or even him playing in the pool and copying the moves of pros. He’s seems like a good person with the motivation and commitment to push forward and continue to get better. I appreciate Myles for his cooperation and willingness to open up to me. I wish greatnesses upon him and hopes he continues to strive as a student athlete in the future.

Ojore Brown

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